What significance do genetic and environmental factors have for schizophrenia, affective disorders and the interplay between a person’s hereditary genes and environment such as e.g. drug abuse or suicidal behaviour? These are some of the questions that we focus on.
Our research unit consists of sixty researchers, with twenty of them employed in clinical studies and more than thirty working on epidemiological research. A group of fifteen researchers comprising postdocs, PhD students and research assistants are employed in the Danish study VIA 7 and VIA 11.
Copenhagen Research Center for Mental Health - CORE is divided into six research programmes, each headed by a senior scientist. Psychoses (link), VIA7 and VIA11, PSYCH-FLAME, the Danish Centre for Suicide Research, Rehabilitation and Register-based epidemiological studies.
If you would like to find out more about iPSYCH and Merete Nordentoft's research group, please contact Merete Nordentoft: Mobile: (+45) 2060 7551 - merete.nordentoft@regionh.dk