Data Security

Health data from Danes comprises a scientific and healthcare goldmine which can benefit everyone. In Denmark we have a public healthcare system which covers the entire population and in which all of our health data is registered. On top of this, we also have a number of biobanks that e.g. include biological samples from just about everyone born after 1981. 

The comprehensive amount of detailed health data means that Denmark has a unique opportunity to carry out precise studies of factors leading to increased risk of various diseases, treatment pathways and how people react to treatment. We hope and believe that these studies will lead to completely new opportunities for the prevention and treatment of mental disorders. 

iPSYCH utilises two data sources; one the one hand blood samples from the National Biobank at the Danish Statens Serum Institut (SSI), and on the other registry data, in particular data extracted from the Danish National Patient Register and from the Danish Psychiatric Central Research Register, on medical conditions. In addition to this, we also use data from other public registers such as e.g. data on causes of death and risk factors such as complications in childbirth, head trauma and illness among parents and siblings.

As researchers we do not have access to information which can identify the people who take part in the study such as CPR numbers, names, addresses etc.